A grain of sand can move mountains
You gave me even your share, a mountain moved
I never thought, perhaps you never thought
It was possible and it was overcome
Rebirth is a funny thing, to our trivial minds
It is all calculated, I promise you this
My faith was a grain of sand
You moved it by being the only thing you knew
I cannot say the reasons why, but like me
You take to the wind and ride, it helped me smile
Just a bit more, the clincher is if we can adore
Each facet the way the Universe does, all our ails
Would be solved, this however takes time
And in the back of my mind, though my vision short
Wisdom told me lie, sleep and awake it would all be over
When the Sun rose again, after this dark night we both ventured on
Nearing complete whole, not a black dog, nor dark raven upon the door.
Copyright, 2010, Christopher Baird--all rights reserved.
Contact me for reprint/posting permission.
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